Stitched in Color

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the Random

Are you one of those people who can do the  messy-but-fabulous hair updo?  I'm not.  I've tried, believe me, but I feel completely undone with my hair all "whatever".

I think this applies to piecing.

Color, color.

The other night I pulled out my bin of strip scraps to make a set of string blocks for this month's do. Good Stitches "love" circle.  Chris asked for blocks that were very colorful and eclectic.  I made my first block with an "anything goes" mentality, forcing myself not to edit the placement of the strips.  If a scrap was long enough to fit, I stitched it in.  And, gosh, it wasn't fun.  Oh, and there are parts that I don't much like either!

String blocks for do. Good Stitches

For my second block (on the right), I gave in to intentional placements.  I still used only scraps from my bin rather than dipping into any new yardage.  Much better!

So, I guess this is just to say that free, random piecing isn't for me.  At least, it wasn't last night.  I suppose that one of the things I like the bestest about sewing is creating a composition of color and pattern.  Allowing things to fall into any random place steals some of the fun.

Hope you get to stitch today!  Besides making the living room curtains (which I'm desperately trying to avoid) I'll be starting on some new embroidery projects soon.  Ya!