Stitched in Color

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Intrepid Thread Scrap Challenge Victories!

One small stack of fabrics... four entirely different results!  Come see what our scrap challengers made with their bundle from The Intrepid Thread!

The original challenge prompted each to work with the 8 fabrics included in a special scrap bundle.   They could add one other fabric and trims as desired and they had a little over a week for the making.

Sometimes a deadline is just what we need!

First up, Erica from Kitchen Table Quilts made good on her promise to create floor cushions for her family.  She combined the bundle with Essex denim in black, a great woven linen/cotton fabric by Robert Kaufman that's always a favorite.   Her fun, funky design is created without fuss using stitch and flip triangle sewing.  Visit Erica for links to helpful pillow-related tutorials!

intrepid thread scrap challenge pillow 1

Heidi of Fabric Mutt very cleverly used hexagons nested in diamond arrows to create a very modern mini with movement.  Each hexagon features one of Heidi's favorite prints from our bundle.  Heidi also used Essex linen, this time in natural, for her background fabric.  See more at her blog, Fabric Mutt

Do you remember our challenger that promised big and small and unicorn dust with a secret message?  That was miss Jeifner of Secondhand Dinosaur.  Here's the comment I left on her blog:  "First of all I know I put you in a hard spot by asking you to make good on your wildly interesting description.  I have to say that you absolutely went for it!  You are one brave girl!  My favorite part of your quilt, design-wise, is that fantastic unicorn dust.  Clearly it IS unicorn dust.  So, that's pretty special.  But, what I appreciate even more is how much thought you put into the design elements, and the way you've invested the quilt with soooo much meaning.  Plus, you had the guts to share that here.  Thank-you for rising to the challenge!"  You really have to visit Jeifner to understand what this quilt is all about, but here's a peak:

And last, but certainly not least, Belle + Bee tackled some backseat drama by creating a car book caddy for her two little girls.  Her post is chock full of construction details and tips so you can make your own quilter-friendly caddy.  I especially like that it's designed to be placed between the two girls instead of hanging on the back of a seat, where it would be out of reach for little hands.  Functional and pretty - well done!

A great big thanks to all challengers for inspiring us with your creativity!  It definitely feels like spring sewing is well underway, adding fabricy goodness to our everyday life.  And, of course, thanks to The Intrepid Thread for composing the scrap bundle and sharing it with us!  If you haven't had a chance to, you can still grab your bundle at Intrepid Thread.

Psst.... they have some great Color Blend bundles chock full of helpful fabrics.  But you didn't hear it from me.

And, yes, our next scrap challenge will be for our Canadian friends.  You all have been so patient.  Here, here for scraps!