on my table

Oh my, what a weekend!  Book club, an afternoon on the river, Angled class launch, a Camp chat and a marathon trip to Ikea... this long weekend was packed with good things that nearly did me in.  Today we're catching up on school and laundry and oh... some sewing!

on my table

Right now, September bee blocks for Love circle are on my table.

Starlight, starbright

These soft, dreamy colors are helping my harried soul to slow down just a bit, and breathe.  I love, love, love the Starbright Stars pattern.  Thank goodness for bee charity quilts - the perfect excuse to indulge in this one again.

for Love Circle, do. Good Stitches

September brings a very welcome return to routine for many of us.  I'm hoping to get back to my sewing machine, which hasn't seen enough action as of late.  My "to sew" list for baby is a mile long.  Really, a mile. 

Oh, I've been feeling baby kicks this weekend.  Joy! Joy!

What's on your table?