Liam’s LaUgh

Today I was sick.  While I did finish up two projects, I didn't get a chance to photograph them.  I hope to be back tomorrow with pictures and an exciting announcement.

Meanwhile, I'll  share my very first "because I want to" sewing project - Liam's LaUgh banner.

Liam's Banner

Amanda Soule's "Handmade Home" was my inspiration.  That, and Liam's woefully empty wall.  It's really a very easy project.  I used my husband's cast-off wool sweater and appliqued the letters leaving exposed raw edges.  the hardest part was figuring out how to attach it to the wall.  Amanda used a drawer pull, but my husband couldn't figure that out (least of all me), so we opted for some cool upholstery tacks.

The letter materials are from his retired crib set and some fabric I had used to recover our glider.  (Sniff, sniff

The lion applique was the most fun.  Liam loves to pretend to be a lion, or pretend to be a zookeeper tending to a pack of lions.  And lately, he's had imaginary friends too.  The boy knows how to pretend!

Liam LOVES Lions

If you've done this project before, did you felt the wool backing?  SouleMama didn't say to felt the wool, but now that I've seen other projects, I'm wondering if that's what she intended.  Oops!