Oh well

I think I'm cured of making clothes.

Do you remember that top I made for my 5-year-old daughter for Easter?  She doesn't like it.  Not at all.  She put it away and said not a thing.  When I asked her after about a week when she planned to wear it, she suggested next Easter.  And then, she sadly confessed the truth:  the top has too much gray.  Take a look:

after a storm

What, you see purple, pink, red (all her favorite colors)?  Did you notice the natural linen trim (it's grayish)?  The ironic truth is that Aria chose this fabric herself!  Um, yeah!  To be fair, there is gray in the print.  Take a look at the back towards the center left:

Well, I'll be.  Who would have thought fabulous pink and purple could be done in by a bit of soft gray?  Aria, quite sweetly and trying to help, suggested I should sell it.  So, I will.  Why not?  She reluctantly agreed to model it for me and so we enjoyed some time outside after a thunderstorm admiring the battered azaleas.

Not exactly what I had in mind, but oh well
