The Story of Wild Bunches

Once upon a time there was a little eggplant purple pillow that made all the other pillows on our sofa look ten times better. Was it the 3 tufted buttons or its small rectangle shape? The other pillows knew not, but they loved their little purple friend.
Then, along came a wild toddler who tore out the tufted buttons time and time again. When nothing could be done to save the pillow, it was banished to a closet where it languished for years. Occasionally mama bumped into it on moving days and the like, but generally the poor pillow was lost to all.
Until one day, when mama was drinking in the pages of Katherine Shaughnessy's The New Crewel, she came across this page, entitled "Wild Bunch":
At last, a solution! She set off to work making up this quick crewelwork pattern in a long, rectangle design that would suit our pillow friend.
Out she yanked the last button! With basting pins the finished crewelwork was pinned, then hand stitched to the front. And, voila! The long-lost pillow returned once more to its square pillow friends, new and old.
P.S. Let's hope Living Color Pillow won't be jealous.