This Little Potholder

This Little Potholder - front

Phew!  This little potholder took a looooong time to make.  Now, I really enjoy handwork, but piecing hexagons does not seem to be my cup of tea.  It's SO slow going.  And, is it just me or are hexagons sometimes cuter before they are stitched together?  (Please don't throw things at me, all you hexie lovers!)

Hexagon Potholder

Well, I truly needed a potholder, so this fits the bill.  I like this style made for folding.  There's an oval one like it in Patchwork Style, and I also have one by Kitchenaid in the same shape.  However, I have a feeling that my next potholder is going to be more like one of these beauties from Flickr:

[caption id="attachment_259" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="1. New potholders, 2. Patches potholders, 3. YIP 365.208 :: Potholders"][/caption]

So, I kinda like the back of my hexagon potholder better.  See:

This Little Potholder - back

Some scrap hexies along with linen tape jazz it up, and my quilting lines were drawn from the print design.  I hand applied non-bias binding, hence the puckers.  But, you know, I like the puckers.

Now I did join Heather's Flickr group Hexies - The Swap.  Whenever round 2 begins, I'll be basting and trading 25 adorable hexagons. BUT, this time I'm not piecing them together.  No siree.  I'm going to applique them, probably by machine.  Because, that's just So. Much. Easier.