Scrap Night
Have you ever toted your sewing machine to a scrap-booking get together? No? You should try it! I brought a few handfuls of my tiniest scraps, my machine and some card blanks. Hey, I don't scrapbook, but I can make cards! Paper involved... check.

These lovelies were inspired by my mosaic tree. Gleeful - that's exactly how I feel as the rainbow emerges. Ever since I started making these trees, I've found a new appreciate for scrap-saving, even with the littlest pieces. And they're so easy! Just draw a circle in pencil to approximate the shape. Cut scraps to fit together as a mosaic, laying them in place as you complete the shape. Glue on with stick glue. Stitch in place with raw edges exposed. It takes a while, but - gush - I love them!

For a much faster finish I stitched 2 zig-zag Christmas trees there on the left. Those babies are quick. Fabric stars stitched with gold thread sparkle up top. and, done!
So now I should start apologizing for the plethora of pictures. They're just cards. But, well, the morning sunlight came streaming in at just the right angle, don't you think? I couldn't help it.

If you're wondering, the card on the right is a stack of gifts. Right?
It wants to be a birthday card.


These are the lonely leftovers. They are sad because they SO wanted to be made into something. Fortunately, this scrap-booking night is a monthly occurrence. Yay that.

These lovelies were inspired by my mosaic tree. Gleeful - that's exactly how I feel as the rainbow emerges. Ever since I started making these trees, I've found a new appreciate for scrap-saving, even with the littlest pieces. And they're so easy! Just draw a circle in pencil to approximate the shape. Cut scraps to fit together as a mosaic, laying them in place as you complete the shape. Glue on with stick glue. Stitch in place with raw edges exposed. It takes a while, but - gush - I love them!

For a much faster finish I stitched 2 zig-zag Christmas trees there on the left. Those babies are quick. Fabric stars stitched with gold thread sparkle up top. and, done!
So now I should start apologizing for the plethora of pictures. They're just cards. But, well, the morning sunlight came streaming in at just the right angle, don't you think? I couldn't help it.

If you're wondering, the card on the right is a stack of gifts. Right?
It wants to be a birthday card.


These are the lonely leftovers. They are sad because they SO wanted to be made into something. Fortunately, this scrap-booking night is a monthly occurrence. Yay that.