Beach Riot

One night I finished piecing and decided to baste my beach blanket so that I could hand tie it while watching TV. And before I knew it, it was done. Finished. Complete.
So, fair warning, if you decide to skip batting and binding and hand tie your quilt, you just may be done before you're ready!

But that's all well and good since summer is here and another trip to the beach is certainly due. I love how it turned out! It's exactly as loud and vibrant as I imagined. We'll be able to spot this one from awhile off, eh?
With 2 little ones and all the beach gear that entails, we're always toting a million bundles ocean side. So, I figured this was a good time to skip batting, creating a slimmer blanket. The sand is plenty soft!

As for binding, I did consider some options. In the end I admitted that adding a thin binding border wouldn't add anything for me except time. So, I matched the backing to the front with right sides together and stitched all the way around, leaving an opening for turning. Finished with an edgestitch and BAM, suddenly almost done. The backing is an Urban Outfitters coverlet that's been languishing in the closet for well at least seven years. Goodness! I think I bought it when I was pregnant with Aria thinking it might go on her bed someday (yeah right, mom. It's not pink or purple). It's a sturdy woven that'll wear well against sand, shells and sticks.
I had never tied a quilt. This one asked quite nicely. Since I already had a fun range of suitable pearl cotton shades, I obliged in several colors.

I like how the ties blend in completely with the quilt and take away none of it's softness. Because it's just a beach blanket, after all.

A very inviting beach blanket. We'll have to use it for picnics too!

Details: Squares cut at 9", finishing at 8.5". 81 squares for a 76" blanket. Fabrics here.