Celebrate Color {Monochromatic}

Today is my last project post for Celebrate Color.  I can't believe it!  But, yes, with some guest posts next week, plus the Thanksgiving holiday, this is my last personal contribution. 

I decided on this last project to follow nature, because nothing speaks of color more to me in the fall than the trees.  Central South Carolina is blessed with some truly spectacular fall foliage.  Every time I hang the laundry, take down the trash to end of our drive or go walking with my mom, my eyes drink up the sight of all these gorgeous warm hues changing slowly, then suddenly day after day.  And, interspersed with the fiery shades are fresh, ever-present pines, always green.

walking up our drive...

This is the view from the end of our drive, walking towards our home.

my favorite maple

And here is a shot of my favorite maple tree - one week sunny yellow, the next week simply bare.

for fall in Celebrate Color

The beauty of fall is fleeting

monochromatic coasters

It was a simple, quick little project.  Each coaster has strips of color in various widths, plus a 1" white strip on which I doodled with embroidery.  And quite accidentally, I think the embroidery says something about the colors themselves: green is nice and fair, orange is up to some mischief, yellow is bursting with joy and red is strong and sure. 

fun little stitches

Fun little stitches and quite the nice way to rest the brain after a long day of happy (but tiring) work at home!

and the back

I have noticed, by the way, that oodles of lovely new projects are popping up at the Celebrate Color photo pools.  I am so grateful for each of you who have joined in with this event.  For me, the very best part is not the projects we make or the tutorials we share, but that you choose to interact with us.   So, thanks for that!