Scrap Attack {Link Party & Prizes}
How are you enjoying your extra day? Extra days should come free with no work, new fabric and lots of time to sew, don't you think? I'm kind of excited that tomorrow is March 1st, though. One reason is the impending Festival of Scrappiness. Our festival will run March 26-28. So far there are a grand total of TWENTY prizes to be distributed. These 20 prizes will be bestowed randomly, kind of like a door prize for showing up and sharing your scrappy quilt(s), with winners drawn on the 28th from among all entrants. Now, I know that if I announced all 20 prizes in one go your eyes would start to glass over, so we're going to spread out the happy news among my weekly Scrap Attack Quilt Along posts.
But first how about a little catching up? Here are some favorite scrappy wonders pulled from the Scrap Attack Flickr group this February, with links to the artists below:
But this is just a small sampling of your wonderful work and I know that many of you are not on Flickr, so feel free connect here with a link party. Please add a photo of your Scrap Attack project, one photo per project please. You may include a link to your blog post or Flickr account, if desired so that we can learn more about your project, or if you don't have a link that's perfectly fine too.
Here are a few of the prizes in store for our Festival of Scrappiness. Prizes ship worldwide, unless otherwise noted.
From Pink Castle Fabrics, the complete Hope Valley Fat Quarter Bundle (24 pieces). Out of print and oh-so-pretty. Also look them up at their new site
From The Warm Company, one 90" x 40 YARD roll of Warm & Natural batting ($240 value). My favorite go-to batting and such a huge amount! U.S. residents only for this large shipment.
From JAQs fabrics, her Pretty Stripes Half Yard bundle (5 pieces). Checkout JAQ's very competitive savings programs. U.S Residents only.
From The Intrepid Thread, the complete Hello Pilgrim by Lizzy House fat quarter set (18 pieces). Psst she also has the new Poetica by Pat Bravo. Gorgeous!
From Fresh Modern Fabric, a lively Metro Living fat quarter bundle (11 pieces). Um, YUM! This great basic is getting harder to find. I've enjoyed using them!
Stay tuned for more prize announcements in the weeks to come. For more details, see the Scrap Attack Quilt Along. You can join in on the Festival of Scrappiness with any completed quilt top (of any size) so long as it was finished in 2012 and is made mostly of scraps. Multiple entries welcome!
Oh, and don't forget about the link party way up there. I know these prizes are distracting ;)
But first how about a little catching up? Here are some favorite scrappy wonders pulled from the Scrap Attack Flickr group this February, with links to the artists below:
But this is just a small sampling of your wonderful work and I know that many of you are not on Flickr, so feel free connect here with a link party. Please add a photo of your Scrap Attack project, one photo per project please. You may include a link to your blog post or Flickr account, if desired so that we can learn more about your project, or if you don't have a link that's perfectly fine too.
Here are a few of the prizes in store for our Festival of Scrappiness. Prizes ship worldwide, unless otherwise noted.

From JAQs fabrics, her Pretty Stripes Half Yard bundle (5 pieces). Checkout JAQ's very competitive savings programs. U.S Residents only.
Stay tuned for more prize announcements in the weeks to come. For more details, see the Scrap Attack Quilt Along. You can join in on the Festival of Scrappiness with any completed quilt top (of any size) so long as it was finished in 2012 and is made mostly of scraps. Multiple entries welcome!
Oh, and don't forget about the link party way up there. I know these prizes are distracting ;)