Star Blossoms Finished!

Star Blossms English Paper Piecing

Since feeling stuck about this project just a bit a go, the finish came remarkably fast.  First I decided that Alexander Henry's Dasha print was perfection as binding.  Finally!  Then I realized that although I could hand quilt it... I didn't want to.  Yep, I didn't.  Because I like how it looks just like this - smooth, crisp, non-crinkly.

Backed with Circa 1934

And so, she's done!  Backed with a little Circa 1934

handmade corner!

and adorning my entry table.  Not the one it was made for... but the one I like it on best.  It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind.  If you like my Star Blossoms, I made a tutorial just for you.  And there are some details in the Stuck post about finishing.

Star Blossoms finished!

Funny, I actually forgot I hadn't shown you this!  I was like, gee duh.

This is my mind fried on video-making.

Oh, and I even did yoga today. It was so nice in the lovely silent house until I realized a cat(?) had peed on my mat.  UGH!  Disinfectant spray, baking powder and hot soap/water all have failed to adequately extinguish the smell.  This must be why gyms stink.  Yoga mats are scent receptacles.  I will Google for the solution eventually.

Ok, back to making videos.  Action!