Oodalolly Quilt finished!
So, you know this quilt had quite a journey emerging from fabric to form. Thank goodness that at the end of a long road, most certainly buried in rainbows, I do quite love this quilt.

It finishes 56"x 72", a happy size for cuddling, with one side rainbow riot and the other side minimalist urban zen.

Looking at where I started, with the Rainbow Road runner and this lovely set of Kona jelly rolls

I can't be happier with where I ended up!

Let's see. After finishing the quilt top, I chose a Sweetwater Hometown half yard cut to feature on back. I just love the contrast of simple, repetitive text against the color and vibrancy of the quilt top.

To bring the half yard to size, I bordered it with Essex linen/cotton in natural. From there, Kona Charcoal was the perfect neutral to complete the quilt back. I like that Kona Charcoal is not a blue-gray like Kona Ash and Kona Coal. It's just the gray-gray I wanted. Gosh, I can't tell you how often I use my Kona color card. It's such an important tool for someone like me who buys my fabric online.

Then, quilting. I struggled a bit, because honestly I liked the top just the way it was. I'm sure this is my own limitation - I often don't see how to improve my work with quilting. As a result, I worry about distracting from my design. I went with "organic" straight lines in a loose grid pattern. The more I added, the better I liked it. For me quilting can be like jumping into a pool when the water's not quite warm enough. In the end it'll be all right, but at the beginning there's nothing but sheer willpower at work.

And, yes, spring has sprung!

Our messy fields are filling with little purple flowers and I did spot a violet under the pear tree. Today March winds are tearing through the trees. We tried flying kites yesterday and broke one in a violent crash landing. Best save the kites for the beach

She's all bound up in Sweetwater Town News and tucked away in my cabinet now, dreaming of her future home.
I'm so glad that the Curves Class inspired me to make this quilt. It's been such a great experience teaching this class. I've heard from many who want to know when I'll be offering Curves Class again. I am considering teaching it this summer or February of next year. But, things could always change, so no promises!

Have a lovely, colorful day!