a Recipe

What's your recipe for happy patchwork?  Is it a pair of colors that always makes you sing?  Lots of white?  Complete randomness?  Bright, bright, bright!  We all seam to have our pet brews, or at least a momentary favorite.  If I were to author a recipe today it could easily be Flea Market Fancy + Text + Black.  Oh, and linen too, please!

Kimono shoes in patchwork

Last week I sent off a swap gifty to miss Lindsey of L.R. Stitched.  I was pretty psyched to have her as my partner because I love her style.  But, she didn't mention any specific ideas of what she's like to receive.  So I took the opportunity to finally make use of the Kimono Shoes pattern by I Think Sew.  Instead of using one print for the outer of the slippers, I patched together these from scrap.

turned up toes

And I LURVE them!  Seriously do.

sneaky slippers

In fact, when my eyes fell on them just so, early the morning after their making, I thought how they might like living here.   Just basking about in the sun.  In all their patchwork-y glory.

FMF spiced with text + black

Somehow I did manage to send them away.  Just kidding - I loved surprising Lindsey with these patchwork slippers and a few other thingamajigs.  I hope the AMH Little Folks voile is soft and sweet for her feet!

And, I hope the somewhat rough canvas print I used for the soles keeps her from slipping.  I did some limited testing, but I must say - use at your own risk, my friend!  That is, if your little one let's you have a turn!

rough-ish canvas soles

To reward myself for parting so quickly with the patchwork slippers, I patched together a journal cover and an iPad sleeve using the same recipe:  Flea Market Fancy + Text + Black + Linen.

keep on patching...

How is it that scraps never end?  Never, ever, ever.

FMF + text + black iPad sleeve

I especially like the back of this journal cover.  It probably wanted to be the front, but the dandelions would have been upside down.  Oops.

FMF+ text + black covered journal

So, I gave the slippers away and will hopefully sell the covered journal and iPad sleeve early September.  But this quilt - this quilt S.T.A.Y.S.  It's not the exact brew, but it's close enough as a substitute.  And it's kinda special to me by now.

almost finished!

Do you have a recipe to share?  Anything you tend to fall back on?  It's always fun to try something new...