Craft Show {in favor of Goals}
Last week I was stuck. I kept asking myself what I should make next for the craft show, but finding no spark of inspiration, no sense of direction. In fact, I actually felt like making nothing, which is totally not OK with me.
And then on Thursday, Seth Godin said...
It's almost certainly because you're asking the wrong question.
The more aggressively you redefine the problem, the more likely it is you're going to solve it.
After my "I'm grouchy" confession here on Friday, my friend Miranda asked me if I was feeling ready for the craft show. And it all came rushing out. I realized that I wasn't feeling ready because I didn't know where "ready" was. I had abandoned my original quantity goals (number of items to make for the craft show) in favor of an endless make-make-make (don't stop making), keep-making approach. While this was productive, it fully eliminated my sense of progress. Finish something? Ok, well make something else! I had no idea if I'd made enough. I wondered if I was making too much. But, worst of all, there was no "enough". So, what am I doing again?
See, it was confusing.
Miranda reminded me that I love goals. Soo on Sunday night I updated my inventory spreadsheet and redefined my inventory goals. With the show less than 3 weeks away, I have a pretty good idea of how much I can get done between now and then. I set some steep goals in the covered journal department and some very reachable goals for 2 other categories. Once I reach these - done!
And, immediately the ideas starting rolling in. No exaggeration!
I'm agreeing with Seth - if you can't find a solution, redefine the problem. And, when preparing for a big event or milestone, it's not a bad idea to reevaluate goals as you near the finish line. In my case, it lends a fresh sense of momentum!
Wanna see what I made since yesterday...

Yellow Brick Road journal cover. I'm feeling mostly-monochromatic would be a good way to round out my covered journal offerings, since I have so many color-explosion pieces. This one was worked in a half log cabin style, vaguely inspired by Bethany at Make Me a Quilt.

I never cease to enjoy using up those tiny whittle scraps.

Last night I also worked on a new wall art piece, in neutrals. And there were left over neutrals, so obviously

That Madrona Road Haystack in brown fits the vibe perfectly, don't you think?
Well, I have 2 other covers in the works, plus a date with cookie-making when the kids come home. Yes, indeedy, it's a better day!
P.S. I took photos today for the covered journal tutorial. Look for it on Thursday!
And then on Thursday, Seth Godin said...
It might not be because you can't find the right answer.It's almost certainly because you're asking the wrong question.
The more aggressively you redefine the problem, the more likely it is you're going to solve it.
After my "I'm grouchy" confession here on Friday, my friend Miranda asked me if I was feeling ready for the craft show. And it all came rushing out. I realized that I wasn't feeling ready because I didn't know where "ready" was. I had abandoned my original quantity goals (number of items to make for the craft show) in favor of an endless make-make-make (don't stop making), keep-making approach. While this was productive, it fully eliminated my sense of progress. Finish something? Ok, well make something else! I had no idea if I'd made enough. I wondered if I was making too much. But, worst of all, there was no "enough". So, what am I doing again?
See, it was confusing.
Miranda reminded me that I love goals. Soo on Sunday night I updated my inventory spreadsheet and redefined my inventory goals. With the show less than 3 weeks away, I have a pretty good idea of how much I can get done between now and then. I set some steep goals in the covered journal department and some very reachable goals for 2 other categories. Once I reach these - done!
And, immediately the ideas starting rolling in. No exaggeration!
I'm agreeing with Seth - if you can't find a solution, redefine the problem. And, when preparing for a big event or milestone, it's not a bad idea to reevaluate goals as you near the finish line. In my case, it lends a fresh sense of momentum!
Wanna see what I made since yesterday...

Yellow Brick Road journal cover. I'm feeling mostly-monochromatic would be a good way to round out my covered journal offerings, since I have so many color-explosion pieces. This one was worked in a half log cabin style, vaguely inspired by Bethany at Make Me a Quilt.

I never cease to enjoy using up those tiny whittle scraps.

Last night I also worked on a new wall art piece, in neutrals. And there were left over neutrals, so obviously

That Madrona Road Haystack in brown fits the vibe perfectly, don't you think?
Well, I have 2 other covers in the works, plus a date with cookie-making when the kids come home. Yes, indeedy, it's a better day!
P.S. I took photos today for the covered journal tutorial. Look for it on Thursday!