Rainbow Tilt-a-whirl

It's finished! And given that my Briar Rose fabrics are here and calling my name, that's a good thing!

Do you like the zigzag quilting? Fun and soooo forgiving! Today I attached this classic stripe binding while Liam chatted enthusiastically about the new Lego book I picked up from the library. (Major mom points there, btw.)

Later on, the cutie was a good sport at helping me photograph Rainbow Tilt-a-whirl, a baby quilt made mostly from scraps, including the solids. I've been sewing with solids for years now, so even my scrap drawers have a nice selection. If you're new to sewing, definitely buy solids! I usually get a full yard of any color I order, if I can. They always, always turn out to be useful and make the most versatile scraps.

Ok, now I'm not so pleased with how the back turned out. I really wanted white on the back, but didn't think I should piece minky with the quilting cottons and didn't have the right low-volume white-ish yardage for the back. I ended up using a yellow Timeless Treasures sketch print that's been in my stash for awhile. It's OK, but a little too primary-feeling for my taste. Oh well. Someone else will like it.

I love the front, that's for certain. And at 36" square, it's an easy baby size for lugging about. That's another finish for my gift/craft show pile. I think next September I'm going to have enough for another craft show if I dare!