Color Intensive

Do you spend more time than you'd like wrestling with fabric choice?  Does choosing colors for your project slow you down, frustrate you, leave you feeling not quite right?  Or, maybe you quite enjoy choosing colors and fabrics, but you want to grow in your mastery of these skills, opening doors to new creative possibilities?

Color Intensive is a 5-week online workshop specifically for sewists.  Inspiration, theory and practical application will bring your understanding of color and fabric to a whole new level.  This workshop is an experience, not a "do" list.  I want to teach to you see what I see.  The language of color is critical, because what we cannot describe we cannot fully know, recreate and transform.  Above all, I want you to move to a place where color expression in fabric is instinctual and joyful and personally authentic.

Oodalolly quilt finished!

the How

As usual, Color Intensive will be delivered via a private class blog, which you can access on your own time, anywhere and where you can ask questions!  Each week will have a particular theme.  You'll interact with course material via a weekly Color Intensive Mosaic Contest, which will challenge you to put ideas into action with actual fabric, while also learning from each other and from my commentary on mosaic finalists.  And, yes, mosaic winners win fabric!  Each week's Friday Assignment is designed to take you further, with practical application in fabric. 

just a peak

the What

Color Intensive gives you a vocabulary and a toolset to work with color in cloth.  Sewing projects (just 3) are intentionally simple so that you can focus on color, not construction.  But... the class does include one very special, original quilt pattern as a bonus - just because!

I believe that choosing the perfect fabrics is not truly about color theory so much as self-expression. It’s not something you “know”; it’s something you feel.  Let’s get in touch with those feelings!  We will also cover color theory, classic color schemes, combining colors, use of neutrals and value.  Throughout the course concepts are made tangible via my own sewn examples.

light + color

Alongside "lecture" posts on the above themes, Color Intensives includes my Color Catalog.  The Color Catalog is a visual collection of my favorite color schemes, color by color.  In regular installments I'll post photos of delectable fabric groupings with 4 each for every main color:  pink, red, orange, yellow, green, teal, blue and purple.  Anytime you need a quick color pick-me-up or are searching for an idea that includes a particular color, you can refer back to the Color Catalog to jump start your projects!

it's new home

In Color Intensive we'll always be talking about color in terms of fabric, but the last week of class is specifically dedicated to challenges and choices that emerge when working in cloth.  Learn to create a cohesive group of fabrics for a quilt or other large project.  Work towards a balanced, usable stash!

Fabric Playtime

the When

Registration for this online workshop opens on Monday, January 20th at 7 am EST.  I'll share some project previews and more fun details between now and then, so stay tuned!  Class begins Monday, February 3rd and runs 5 weeks through the first week of March.  This class is key to experience, so don't miss the real thing!

I will be offering only one version of Color Intensive for $55, which will include the eBook.  As this class is packed with visual content and visual inspiration, I consider a permanent reference in eBook form to be absolutely essential.  Also because this workshop is fundamentally different from my sewing classes, I will not be offering multiple class levels or a camp experience.  Sorry!  But, you can count on it when I offer a new sewing class, likely in September.



I am so honored that you have requested this class and I am very, VERY excited to help you experience Color in a rich new way!  I hope you'll join us!