Seedlings quilt

Mmmmm spring! The winter clover that covers our old garden space is bursting out in pure gorgeous green. All over little seedlings are popping up and flowers too! This checkerboard quilt of green and sweet colors absolutely channels spring - it's hopes and giddy celebrations.

It feels like this quilt progressed from blocks

to finish in record time. But really it was two good weeks. I thoroughly enjoyed the process, so that could be why it sped by. Then again, I think my sense of time is a off this month, with moments both lengthening out as endless waiting and shrinking down to one nearly constant thought, namely "I want to be pregnant!" I have tried to keep stress levels low and enjoy the gift of the present this month; and mostly I have succeeded, at least as well as possible.
But I digress. I'm very happyto report that I used every. last. bit. of suitable green scrap to churn out enough blocks for a 50" x 60" lap quilt. I have been cuddling with a quilt of exactly that size this spring. It's just right for definitely-not-warm, but mostly not-frigid days.

I've decided to list Seedlings on Etsy, in case she catches someone's eye. Crossing fingers!

p.s. today is the first day of spring. Welcome, Spring!