scrappy Notecards
This Sunday my friends, my mother and my mother-in-law threw the most wonderful baby shower for Eleni and I. I felt incredibly loved because so many of my friends contributed their special gifts to the day. At this time in my life, I am blessed with many dear friends who are already mothers and instinctively give from the heart, so there was a wise knowing and comfortable camaraderie in the room. Anyways, it was a sweet time!

I have six-ish weeks left until baby is expected (this photo is from 31 weeks). And, oh my, I am really starting to be eager for her birth! It's not so much being uncomfortable as feeling really, really ready to finally hold this child.

Naturally, I'm in need of thank you cards, so I spent some time over the weekend with my scraps!

First I dumped out all my small, multi-colored scraps. These are some of the harder scraps to use since they feature several colors. They are lovely or cute, but not "helpful" fabrics, ya know?

Starting with a particularly inspiring multi-colored scrap, I created little groups of scrappy happiness. I'm pulling from my crumb scraps, which are already organized by color in little white fabric bins: red/pink, orange/yellow, blue/green and neutral/purple. Keeping my scraps organized makes a project like this manageable. Plus, it really feels good to pull from my tiny crumb scraps!

There is a project like this in my Curves Class, where we use notecards to experiment with improv curve piecing. This weekend, I felt like keeping things square. I pieced scraps together improv style and trimmed for pinked edges, using a rotary blade.

Then the piecework is glue-basted to a blank notecard and permanently attached with a simple straight stitch.

And, voila! Notecards. Lots of them!

Such a fun, low-commitment way to use scraps! I so enjoy jumping from color scheme to color scheme, making cards to suit all sorts of personalities.
Now excuse me while I go pen some much-deserved gratitude! Thanks to one and all!