One of these things doesn't belong here
Each little brick of color,
Finds its place in a rainbow of gratitude,

Swimming in improv, low volume scraps.

Up close all flash and color and smiles,

But a little distance makes clear one piece must change.

I wonder if our eyes see the same? But don't tell us here which piece bugs you! I'll quilt and share the finish soon. Then we'll find out how many of us fixated on the same thing.
I always liked that game: One of these things doesn't belong here...

Finds its place in a rainbow of gratitude,

Swimming in improv, low volume scraps.

Up close all flash and color and smiles,

But a little distance makes clear one piece must change.

I wonder if our eyes see the same? But don't tell us here which piece bugs you! I'll quilt and share the finish soon. Then we'll find out how many of us fixated on the same thing.
I always liked that game: One of these things doesn't belong here...