aaaaand Done!

patchwork Placemats

So I finished those placemats.  And although they were not actually made for my home, they really do fit in quite well, don't you think?  That must be a good sign!

patchwork Placemats

The colors and textures are right up my ally.  I love the bright, saturated tones combined with earthy, warm neutral.  All of these bitty block pieces were pulled from my scrap bins.  I work with so many one-color prints that my fabric scraps tend to be easy to recombine in new ways.

patchwork Placemats

Three out of four placemats are bound in Lightning from Doe by Carolyn Friedlander.  In fact, I used several of her fabrics in this project.  It's a reminder to me to keep investing in Friedlander fabrics.  I find they work with just about everything I want to make!  I used several from Anna Maria Horner and Denyse Schmidt too.  Yep, it's the good stuff.

The other placemat is mostly bound in Serape Dream by Rhodes.  I used that print to back the placemats as well.  Oops, meant to photograph that!

patchwork Placemats

Well, that was nice.  These were just the perfect manageable size for a little patchwork and quilting play without a long term commitment.  And best of all, it's done just in time for a special trip!  We're off to Chicago this week for miss Eleni.

Now, before I go, I hope to prep some fabrics for another quilt.  I wouldn't normally start something new right now, but my other works in progress don't travel well.  Isn't that a shame?  (wink)  Hmmm, what shall I do...