30 Days of Quilt Design

Quilting as a hobby or art is something we mean to enjoy. For many of us the quilts that bring the most satisfaction come from inside. I wouldn't say they're original (what's that?), but rather that they hold some expression, twist or meaning that's personal, that's especially "you." The more often I sit down with pencil and paper, the more often something comes together that feels like me.
Let's practice teasing out those quilts with a 30 day design challenge. No, not 30 consecutive days... just 30 days total of sketching quilt designs. Whether you complete the challenge or sketch just a handful of quilts, those experiences are sure to enrich your quilty soul. Someday you might make the quilts, or maybe not. That's not the point. It's about stepping out and trying new things, stretching, growing, enjoying being you.
::30 Days of Quilt Design::
Our challenge starts now and concludes on October 31st. The idea is to post your quilt designs, one per day, and number then to see if you can log 30 Days by October 31st. Come to the experience open minded and see what happens!
Thank you, Gotham Quilts, for sponsoring 30 Days of Quilt Design! Located online and in New York City, Gotham Quilts is a haven for modern quilters. With their support, our challenge will welcome more faces and some motivating prizes.
What Counts?
- Designs do not have to be original. No one is going to be policing designs, so don't be shy!
- If you know your design is not at all unique, consider adding value or color choices that reflect your personality. Think about how you'd actually like to make the quilt, should you go for it.
- If your design is a repeated block, you do not have to sketch the entire quilt, but please sketch a few blocks so we can get the idea.
- Designs can be sketched on paper or produced digitally.
- You do not need to have a plan for how to construct the quilt. This is purely about design.
- Take a photo of your quilt sketch or digital mock up.
- Share your photo on Instagram with hashtag #30DaysofQuiltDesign. (No smart phone? You can post photos from your Mac or PC to Instagram with the free tool, Gramblr.)
- Also, tag each photo @StitchedinColor and @GothamQuilts.
- Number each design in the caption (ex. "Day #1 Starburst Stars") to track your progress.
- If you reach 30 designs, tag your last photo with the additional hashtag #30DaysofQuiltDesignCompleted
- Participation Prizes - every other Friday, I'll draw a random winner from among those who have submitted designs so far (by noon, eastern time). Winners will receive a $25 gift certificate to Gotham Quilts, our main event sponsor. First Participation Prize to be drawn Friday, the 19th. You have 6 chances total!
- Completion Grand Prize - On November 1st I'll draw a random winner from among those who have completed the challenge, posting their 30th design with #30DaysofQuiltDesignCompleted. Details about this prize to come!
Hope this sounds like fun to you too! Now go forth and explore some ideas!

p.s. Need help getting those ideas flowing? Try the journaling exercises I shared in how to Define Your Style. Focusing on what you like most just may bring some new ideas to mind!