Pajamas by Necessity

And speaking of sewing... let me catch you up on my latest project. I made pajamas for Aria and Liam. These were born out of necessity, since the only fire retardant-free children's pajamas are thin cotton knits. It's cold in our house, so thin cotton won't do. Armed with a $2.99 pattern from JoAnn's, I purchased cotton fleece (which is incredibly hard to find) and got to work. It was not fun.

I did not like working with the thin, paper pattern pieces. I did not appreciate the minimal directions included. And before long, I realized that the patterns I had chosen were not the simplest ideas. It probably took about 16 hours per pair of pajamas. Ouch. I'm sure this was due mainly to my inexperience. But before I go on complaining, let's see some pictures.


Here's what happens when you ask a 3-year-old to stand by his desk for a picture. As you can see, he stood reallllllly still.

This is what happens when you let him roll around with his toys. _MG_9658smallDoes he look calm and serene in this picture? Don't be fooled, he's just occupied kicking the door. Notice the cute little turquoise ducky on the front of his top? Love it! Liam helped me choose this fabric (it's by Lizzy House), which I quilted over the cotton fleece to give his pajamas some personality. I've only been able to find cotton fleece in solid colors. It's a lot like sweatshirt fabric with a nice soft, brushed side that's super cozy.


And here are some more pictures just for fun. His cute little behind crawling behind our tree. (I already miss our tree, especially the popcorn/cranberry garland!) He was playing hard-to-photograph._MG_9662small

Here he's trying to distract me from taking pictures by pulling a gingerbread/applesauce boy off the tree. Little does he know that we'll be taking the tree down later that day, which was New Years Day.

At the table, Aria is doing some sewing of her own. She's thrilled to have her own sewing box now, and a new set of her very own pins.


Makes her feel so grown up! But, honestly, doesn't that hand look like so tiny? Please humor me! She's working on a shirt of some kind for her baby doll, made of cotton fleece scraps.


Before long, brother is feeling left out and angles a way into the picture. He's helping, I'm sure.

Aria's PjsI finished Aria's pajamas today, and good riddance. I'm so glad to be done with clothes and get back to something more fun (for me). I definitely gained an appreciation for the value of ready-made clothing, let me tell you! Now if only one could buy warm children's pajamas that aren't riddled with chemical fire retardants

Here are Aria's pjs, embellished with a butterfly fabric by Alexander Henry.

Now, onto some coasters, or maybe a clock, or both?