I hate binding!

I've just stepped away in disgust from my sewing table, where my meadowsweet baby quilt lies in binding progress.  But, can you really call it progress when I've just realized I cut the binding 1.5" wide instead of the necessary 2.5" AND I'm not even sure if the color is working for me?  Grrr!

Binding Woes

I was vaguely worried about doing the binding to begin with because I'm trying a new method of attachment.  On my first quilt, the Colorbrick quilt, I machine stitched double-fold binding all the way through, attaching both sides of the binding at once.  It looks OK, but I'd like to do better.  I got extra practice because with Colorbrick I attached bright yellow binding first, which was all wrong.  After completely finishing it, I ripped it off in one night and started work on a pieced binding from leftover fabric scraps.   Much better.

Anyhoo, this time I'm using Oh, Fransson!'s excellent binding tutorial.  I just failed to follow the directions on cutting the width of the binding.  How "duh" is that!  Of course before I figured that out I spent about 30 minutes going back and forth between Oh, Fransson! and several YouTube tutorials to see what the heck I was doing wrong, because there was no way my binding was going to be able to fold over the back.  I was sure my mistake was with the machine stitching or the folding itself, but turns out the simplest explanation was correct - I simply spaced out on the cutting!

Does this binding work?

Well, since I do have to completely remake the binding, this does give me an opportunity to change it up.  I'm not sure that the shade of  red I found at my local Hancock's is working.  Does it stand out a little too much?  I know these pictures are awful, so I'll try to get another in daylight tomorrow.  If you agree that the red is sub par, what would you do?

Updated with new, daylight picture!