Recalculating a {do Good} path

One of my goals in starting Stitched In Color was to reach out and make connections with other like-minded sewists. Wow, can I just say that the online sewing community is amazing! It has been so easy to make new friends. I've been incredibly inspired by the AMAZING work you all do and encouraged by those who take the time to comment on my sewing.
I had two more goals for my efforts - to make a little money to cover new fabric purchase and to find a way to bless others, specifically needy children, through my sewing. The obvious approach was to set up shop on Etsy, with a large chunk of the proceeds benefiting Compassion International. HOWEVER, I think that was the wrong turn, my friends. Kari's insightful little book has helped me see what it really takes to run an Etsy store and/or sell through craft fairs. I just don't have the desire or time to make this into a business. My sewing is a hobby, and that's ok.
The thing is, there are other ways to accomplish those original goals: a fabric source and doing good. I've got a couple new ideas up my sleeve, one of which is to organize a Charity Bee through Flickr with other modern sewists. We can collectively work from our own stashes to make quilts to be delivered to orphanages by Wrap Them in Love. Does that sound crazy? Well, I love to organize and I think it can be done. A central organizer (me and whomever else would like) can plan the block design and color scheme, as well as assemble/finish the quilt. All those interested, please raise your hand!