a Good, very bad day
Yesterday was quite the day. First, the good.
I totally, completely finished my magazine project! It is DONE, and I'm so glad. It took awhile for the weight of that to really lift off my shoulders, but then it felt so good! I am asking the magazine if I can show you just a few tidbits, so hopefully they'll say "yes"! I'm not sure I'll be rushing to do another big magazine project, since I really missed being able to share the progress with you. And I'm not really sure that the money and stress of working under a deadline is 100% worth it. On the up side, it was a good opportunity. I do have a better feel for the giant challenge that writing a book would be after this experience.

My treat to myself as I made progress on the magazine quilt was to organize my fabric (inspired by Jeni's post). It's totally a guilty pleasure and feels a little like stealing chocolate, but it did serve some purpose besides the satisfaction of taking a few glamorous shots. My fabric had not been organized since this post, summer of last year when I first brought my fabric into my dining room buffet.

Whilst tidying, I discovered small cuts that really belonged in my scrap bin and figured out to fold my fat quarters a bit differently than my yardage so that I could still see them once stacked.

When I was thoroughly pleased with my cupboard, I pulled out these cute Michael Miller prints stashed earlier this year from Sew Love Fabrics. It's high time I make something with them.
So, now starts the bad.
I don't want to go into too much detail, but I found myself really down over some heavy criticism and personal attacks. I think that being misunderstood is one of the worse feelings. In this particular situation I'm not sure how best to proceed. I don't care to argue. I only want to be true. To make matters worse, my husband is away on a missions trip just now so I couldn't talk to him at all.
I'm trying to just put some distance between my hurt feelings and the time when I will take some thoughtful action to make sure all is well. In the meantime, I'm trying not to dwell on it, because it really makes me so very sad.

Along those lines, I played with those super cute Michael Miller fabrics last night to take my mind off things. I followed the fabric's lead until I had a very happy, very outgoing little fabric stack. What do you think?

Well, really, it's too late now cause I already did allllllll the cutting for a new quilt. Here's a sneak peak. I'll be back to show you the whole quilt top sooner rather than later.
I totally, completely finished my magazine project! It is DONE, and I'm so glad. It took awhile for the weight of that to really lift off my shoulders, but then it felt so good! I am asking the magazine if I can show you just a few tidbits, so hopefully they'll say "yes"! I'm not sure I'll be rushing to do another big magazine project, since I really missed being able to share the progress with you. And I'm not really sure that the money and stress of working under a deadline is 100% worth it. On the up side, it was a good opportunity. I do have a better feel for the giant challenge that writing a book would be after this experience.

My treat to myself as I made progress on the magazine quilt was to organize my fabric (inspired by Jeni's post). It's totally a guilty pleasure and feels a little like stealing chocolate, but it did serve some purpose besides the satisfaction of taking a few glamorous shots. My fabric had not been organized since this post, summer of last year when I first brought my fabric into my dining room buffet.

Whilst tidying, I discovered small cuts that really belonged in my scrap bin and figured out to fold my fat quarters a bit differently than my yardage so that I could still see them once stacked.

When I was thoroughly pleased with my cupboard, I pulled out these cute Michael Miller prints stashed earlier this year from Sew Love Fabrics. It's high time I make something with them.
So, now starts the bad.
I don't want to go into too much detail, but I found myself really down over some heavy criticism and personal attacks. I think that being misunderstood is one of the worse feelings. In this particular situation I'm not sure how best to proceed. I don't care to argue. I only want to be true. To make matters worse, my husband is away on a missions trip just now so I couldn't talk to him at all.
I'm trying to just put some distance between my hurt feelings and the time when I will take some thoughtful action to make sure all is well. In the meantime, I'm trying not to dwell on it, because it really makes me so very sad.

Along those lines, I played with those super cute Michael Miller fabrics last night to take my mind off things. I followed the fabric's lead until I had a very happy, very outgoing little fabric stack. What do you think?

Well, really, it's too late now cause I already did allllllll the cutting for a new quilt. Here's a sneak peak. I'll be back to show you the whole quilt top sooner rather than later.