other Going Ons
I think we've been so busy bottling rainbows and finishing quilts around here that there's been nary a moment to spare. Here's a few notes on other things bustling around my brain lately.
Yesterday I came across the sequel to Ruby Star Rising. Have you seen it? It's called Ruby Star Spring! According to designer Melody Miller, it will be printed on a "62" wide lighter-weight cotton-linen blend fabric" by Kokka, available early summer. I'm really digging the color combos she's used and all the lovely insects - especially those dragonflies. Honestly I love this even more than most Echino. I guess it feels more real life to me? I want to think of an appropriate project for this collection so that I have the confidence to purchase when it comes out. Perhaps a huge picnic blanket? We do need one...
This morning I was inspired by Tsh Oxenreider's new book "Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living" to raid our closets. I haven't read much of the book, but I immediately latched on to the idea of pairing down my clothing to the real gems. I guess that's because I've been feeling pretty unsatisfied with my clothes for awhile now, that and the fact that at this time of year I need to evaluate how the kid's old summer clothes fit. You know, the whole change of seasons thing for the kiddos. It felt so good! Between Aria and I, we filled a huge plastic tub with clothing to donate and also tossed a good bunch that were stained. I had to laugh at myself for feeling torn at letting go of dresses I bought in high school that fit me "just so" then. Yeah, like those are going to 1. Fit or 2. Be appropriate for me now. Still the memories of a special date or college times linger in those clothes. I tell myself they'll make new memories now when some slim teenager discovers them at Goodwill. Adieu.

Look at these! All of the wonky star blocks have arrived from my friends in the Love circle at do. Good Stitches (a virtual charity quilting bee). I feel so privileged to get to piece them together and finish another quilt for Wrap Them In Love. I haven't decided on a quilting pattern yet, but I'm hoping to have the guts to do something challenging (for me). I really need to keep practicing my free motion quilting. That's the only way to improve!
We'll be launching a new circle of do. Good Stitches this April. Yeah! I'm still looking for someone to lead the new circle as the circle host. The "host" has light organization and communication duties. And, also, the host has a lot to say about which charity is chosen for the group. After all there are so many deserving ones! So, if you happen to be an active Flick-user that enjoys working in the modern quilting style, please consider joining in with do. Good Stitches! Get more details and register via the New Members Form at our Flickr page.
I think that's all for now, friends. I'll leave you with a funny picture of my "entertainment" as I pressed and arranged those wonky stars.

It's always peaceful around here... Not!
Yesterday I came across the sequel to Ruby Star Rising. Have you seen it? It's called Ruby Star Spring! According to designer Melody Miller, it will be printed on a "62" wide lighter-weight cotton-linen blend fabric" by Kokka, available early summer. I'm really digging the color combos she's used and all the lovely insects - especially those dragonflies. Honestly I love this even more than most Echino. I guess it feels more real life to me? I want to think of an appropriate project for this collection so that I have the confidence to purchase when it comes out. Perhaps a huge picnic blanket? We do need one...
This morning I was inspired by Tsh Oxenreider's new book "Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living" to raid our closets. I haven't read much of the book, but I immediately latched on to the idea of pairing down my clothing to the real gems. I guess that's because I've been feeling pretty unsatisfied with my clothes for awhile now, that and the fact that at this time of year I need to evaluate how the kid's old summer clothes fit. You know, the whole change of seasons thing for the kiddos. It felt so good! Between Aria and I, we filled a huge plastic tub with clothing to donate and also tossed a good bunch that were stained. I had to laugh at myself for feeling torn at letting go of dresses I bought in high school that fit me "just so" then. Yeah, like those are going to 1. Fit or 2. Be appropriate for me now. Still the memories of a special date or college times linger in those clothes. I tell myself they'll make new memories now when some slim teenager discovers them at Goodwill. Adieu.

Look at these! All of the wonky star blocks have arrived from my friends in the Love circle at do. Good Stitches (a virtual charity quilting bee). I feel so privileged to get to piece them together and finish another quilt for Wrap Them In Love. I haven't decided on a quilting pattern yet, but I'm hoping to have the guts to do something challenging (for me). I really need to keep practicing my free motion quilting. That's the only way to improve!
We'll be launching a new circle of do. Good Stitches this April. Yeah! I'm still looking for someone to lead the new circle as the circle host. The "host" has light organization and communication duties. And, also, the host has a lot to say about which charity is chosen for the group. After all there are so many deserving ones! So, if you happen to be an active Flick-user that enjoys working in the modern quilting style, please consider joining in with do. Good Stitches! Get more details and register via the New Members Form at our Flickr page.
I think that's all for now, friends. I'll leave you with a funny picture of my "entertainment" as I pressed and arranged those wonky stars.

It's always peaceful around here... Not!