weekends are for

::Writing on the Walls::

Did you have a lovely weekend?  I hope so!  This weekend I made two finishes! (and of course I started a new project, but let's talk about the finishes, shall we?)  One was quilt #3, which shall make its appearance in January, and another was a project from Anna Maria Horner's Handmade Beginnings. It's "Writing on the Walls" for a friend's nursery:

Writing on the Walls for a friend

So, so much fun!  This project is embroidery and applique secured with staples and other such serious tools to assorted-sized canvases.  Only, we couldn't find a round canvas, so my clever friend supplied cardboard cake plates (like you'd use to make a tiered wedding cake) and a floral arrangement ring.  It worked perfectly.  Genius!


She chose the word "Baby" spelled out in gender-neutral colors for first and future babies.  As I finish this gift just before Celebrate Color, I can't help but notice it's a color scheme that quite suits the event.  Serendipity!

How about a closer look at those letters?

"b" simple, good

"B" was simple, but good. Probably the most fun to make. Embroidery on Kona earth.

"a" loving the texture on print!

"a" is a Hugs & Kisses print from Loulouthi appliqued with Steam a Seam Lite II onto a favorite graphic print by Jennifer Paganelli. Running stitches along the background give this letter a yummy texture.

"b" so enjoyed the flowers

"b" was quite the time-consuming little project, embroidered on muslin and appliqued to a Tutor stripe. I so enjoyed the satin-stitched flowers (which I managed to hand draw despite my fear!), but the zillions of French knots... not so much.

French knots ad infinitum

Hopefully in the end it's a good effect. I did take out all the one's I showed you before, when I opted to switch to simple yellow knots. This letter was already a busy bee "b".

"Y" with running stitches

Lastly the "Y", which has a nice sunny hue that pulls together with the bright lemon yellow stitching on the first "B". The background fabric is Timeless Treasures "Crosshatch Sketch" and the applique print is from Valori Wells' Nest collection.  Also secured with Steam a Seam Lite II.

The baby shower's coming up.  I can't wait to see her reaction!!!

::Painting the Trees::

We don't just write on walls around here, we also paint the trees.


This was one of those moments where you squeeze out a "yes", because why not?

weekends are for...

Didn't quite expect things to go this far, but... all's well that ends with a bath.  (Note:  no trees were harmed in the making of this post.)

::Getting Kittens::

Yessiree, last weekend we got ourselves some kittens!

Spot & Susan

2 Kids = 2 Kittens. Trust me, this is an important ratio.

The kiddos have been in kitten-heaven!  There is so much lovin and petting and playing going around that these two kitties don't get to really let loose until after bedtime.  That's when I caught a few shots of their adorable play.  Please excuse the quality.  The lighting was poor, as are my skills at capturing action.  Good thing my sewing usually holds still!

so fun to watch

new kittens!

Good use of pillows here...

good use of cushions...

Oh, and look closely now to find crazy Susan!

look closely for crazy Susan!

Good times!

Now on to a new week, with new projects, new contests, new fun!