Scrap Attack {Link Party}

Alrighty folks, we've been scrapping for a month in our Scrap Attack Quilt Along.  Let's see your progress!  Oodles of lovely projects have been floating around the Scrap Attack flickr group this January.  Here are a few of my favorites with links below to the talented artists:

Scrap Attack January Favorites
1. Scrap Attack - 20, 2. 4x5 Blocks 4th Qtr, 3. String Quilt Progress, 4. Scrappy Baby Quilt, 5. New York Beauty #3, 6. snuggled up, 7. Scrappy mini quilt, 8. A pile of jewel squares, 9. scrap attack quilt along

But this is just a small sampling of your fabulous projects and I know that many of you are not on Flickr, so today let's connect here with a link party thingamabob. Please add a photo of your Scrap Attack project, one photo per project please.  You may include a link to your blog post or Flickr account, if desired so that we can learn more about your project, or if you don't have a link that's perfectly fine too. 

Next month I'll have more features with inspiring bloggers and quilt designers who love to work with scraps.  And tomorrow I have a new scrappy project to show you, inspired by one of the featured bloggers this month.  But right now... I can't wait to see what you've been up to!