mr. postman

Wow, yesterday completely got away from me.  I shipped packages all day!  About 1/4 of the packages were ready by the time the mail carrier came around noon, so many of your student kits are actually being picked up by Mr. Postman today.  I think I got home from shipping around 10 pm?  Yes, it took a wee bit longer than I expected. 

Student Kits in process

Aria and Liam were eager to help. They placed two sewing needles in each square of 9" felt.  Don't worry, there was some quality control!  They also unpackaged a slew of Gutermann hand quilting threads and other such things all in advance.  But, when it came down too it, I needed to pack each individual student kit yesterday, which is what took all day.

I apologize to the handful of students that didn't get student kits before they sold out. I did run out of kits at the same time that classes sold out earlier this week.  I just did not anticipate the response you have given to the Handstitched class.  So grateful!  I'm sorry that I'm not able to take more students, but I must cap the total number of students so that I'm able to be a good teacher to those I've taken on.  I want to be able to answer all those questions promptly!  I hope you understand.

Love circle May blocks

So I also mailed out my May do. Good Stitches blocks.  These Patchwork Wheel Blocks were super fun and fast to put together.  I've been really craving some patchwork, so these hit the spot.  When I get back from our weekend plans, I expect to start a new quilt.  It's time!

Faith circle May blocks

I popped these Ohio Star Blocks in the mail as well.  They are for the Faith circle of do. Good Stitches, destined for a quilt to be gifted to a woman with more traditional tastes.  I hope the dots aren't too much!

pocket tutorial

Aaaaaand this swap gift has been finished and sent on it's way as well.  I'll be back with a simple pocket tutorial next week.

Ok, I'm off to tie up some loose ends and finish packing for our weekend camping trip. I'm bringing my handstitching!  Everyone enjoy your weekend.  See you Monday!