this morning
Sometimes it's nice to throw off all the hats we normally wear and just do one simple thing. This morning (my Monday "workday" when the children are away) I didn't tend to computer work or make tutorials or sew away at my Handstitched class projects.
Nope, I decided it was the right time to indulge.

I have promised myself to make a Painted Portrait blouse before a weekend sewing getaway that's going to be here quite soon. It's a pattern by Anna Maria Horner that I really fell in love with when I set eyes on Erin's version at her blog, House on Hill Road.
So there was the measuring, fingers-crossed-size-choosing, tissue-paper-cutting, pressing, pattern-piece-cutting and - phew - off I was. I decided to shorten the blouse by 2" at the line designated for shortening since I'm only 5"4'.

It was so nice to be behind the sewing machine early in the day. Now I just need to keep following the rules to sew together something just for me. Such a treat!
I had the yoke done before it was time to pick up the kids at lunch! With any luck, I'll have the rest done early this week. I just hope I like how it looks on! That nagging worry always hangs around when I make clothing for me. It's such a gamble with fabrics, styles and sizes!
Fabrics: Pastry Voile in Toast and Little Folks Coloring Garden Voile both by Anna Maria Horner.
Nope, I decided it was the right time to indulge.

I have promised myself to make a Painted Portrait blouse before a weekend sewing getaway that's going to be here quite soon. It's a pattern by Anna Maria Horner that I really fell in love with when I set eyes on Erin's version at her blog, House on Hill Road.

So there was the measuring, fingers-crossed-size-choosing, tissue-paper-cutting, pressing, pattern-piece-cutting and - phew - off I was. I decided to shorten the blouse by 2" at the line designated for shortening since I'm only 5"4'.

It was so nice to be behind the sewing machine early in the day. Now I just need to keep following the rules to sew together something just for me. Such a treat!

I had the yoke done before it was time to pick up the kids at lunch! With any luck, I'll have the rest done early this week. I just hope I like how it looks on! That nagging worry always hangs around when I make clothing for me. It's such a gamble with fabrics, styles and sizes!
Fabrics: Pastry Voile in Toast and Little Folks Coloring Garden Voile both by Anna Maria Horner.