Bloomerie Scrap Challenge Victories!

Happy Monday to all!

Today I get to have some fun showing off the creations made by our Bloomerie Scrap Challengers.  These girls didn't mess around!  The original challenge prompted each to work with the 8 fabrics included in Bloomerie's Summer Breeze scrap bundle.   They could add one other fabric and trims as desired and they had a little over a week for the making.

A little pressure, perhaps?  Well, yes, but then again so many of us work best under pressure!  I'm sure you'll agree they rose to the challenge...

Christen of Love Elaine, who makes and sells her aprons on Etsy, made an apron for her very own self!   She honed in on the coral accents in this otherwise mellow bundle and added lace and hexagon to sweeten the deal.  You can make one like it using her tutorial.  Those pleats across the front tell me this is a great base pattern for sure!

from Love Elaine
Over at Sewing by Stephanie, you'll find an adorable wall hanging showcasing the words "SEW. QUILT. LOVE." and some pretty little pieced spools.  Stephanie combined the bundle with Kona Ash.  You'll have to stop by her post to see more pictures of the very fitting hand quilting that surrounds the word "Quilt".  Nice!

Laurel of Sing All You Want made a lovely patchwork pillow for her bedroom!  It's double sided and I loved the back so much that I opted to show it to you here.  You'll have to visit her to see the front.  It's beautiful too, of course!  Notice how she trimmed the edge with coral crochet?  I haven't seen a crochet trim on the pillow before. So creative!  And, there's another vote for combining coral with the Summer Breeze bundle.

Scrap Challenge Pillow Back

And last but not least, over at Greenleaf Goods miss Natalie whipped out that promised baby quilt with speed and aplomb.  Is that a seriously awesome quilt design or what?  I'm loving how she alternated between patchwork slashes and patchwork O's.

Baby Steps quilt

Now, you may notice right off the bat that Natalie used several added solids here.  She took the rules to mean challengers could add only one print.  Now that explains why she volunteered to make a quilt!  An innocent misunderstanding - so I apologize to all challengers for being unclear.  I kind of like the idea of being able to use many solids anyways, so even if this isn't what I meant, I think it's what I should have meant.  Natalie's smart like that!  Be sure to visit her for more quilty goodness

A great big thanks to all challengers for inspiring us with your creativity!  It's incredible to see all that can be done with a handful of scraps.  And, of course, thanks to Bloomerie Fabrics for composing the scrap bundle and sharing it with us!  If you haven't had a chance to, you can still grab a Summer Breeze bundle for a mere $5 at Bloomerie.

Psst they have the Simply Color ombre jelly rolls too.  But you didn't hear it from me.

And, yes, I'll be sure to arrange for another scrap challenge sometime.  This was definitely a lot of fun!  Here, here for scraps!