Polaroids for Bloggers Quilt Festival

Twice a year lots of bloggers share favorite finished quilts via Bloggers Quilt Festival.  Too often I forget to participate.  But this time, after scanning the list of quilt categories, I knew I wanted to take the chance to celebrate a very special quilt one last time

Polaroids on a Cloudy Day

a Few Happy Blocks of my own

Polaroids by Love circle

Joined by a passel of fun created by the Love circle of do. Good Stitches

Design floor w/Aviary Indiglow

Tossed and rearranged and some even partially picked apart

Love in Polaroids with do. Good Stitches

to Create a finished work packed with color, faces and laughter.

Love in Polaroids was made with my bee mates at the Love Circle to bring joy to some child through Wrap Them in Love.  We're one of many do. Good Stitches circles joining together as modern quilters to have fun and do good.  I count myself lucky!

One day I photographed the pile of them and was instantly inspired to try for a random "tossed" design.  I knew it would mean picking apart some of the blocks and wasn't sure how I felt about doing that.  But in the end, the tossed arrangement was just so much more interesting than sewing the blocks together end to end, so I timidly wielded the seam ripper and carefully, carefully took apart about a third of the blocks.  (Mainly, I deconstructed the 9-polaroid blocks into smaller groups of 6 or 3 or 2 or 1.) Not a polaroid was wasted!

blocks by the Love circle!

This quilt is full of characters front and back!  I think it's going to be so fun for a child to discover.  In fact, I know it is because Aria and Liam both initiated spontaneous eye-spy games during the making!  All those polaroids are mesmerizing and they're going every-which-way too, so there's not a top or bottom to this quilt.

bound in Loulouthi stockings stripe

Love in Polaroids is bound in Loulouthi Stockings stripe by machine with my easy zigzag binding finish.  I love this print as a binding!  It's gray and bright.  Perfect. 

Blogger’s Quilt Festival Stats
Finished quilt measures : 66″x 82″
Special techniques used : improv piecing, spiral straight-line quilting
Quilted by :  myself
Best Category : Bee quilt, Throw quilt

Thanks for stopping by during the festival!  To see more of my finished quilts (and other projects), stop by my Projects page!  It's a little outdated (updated last early 2012), but you can find lots of my older projects hanging out there in tidy little categories.