Celebrate Good Stitches ::Winners::
Hurray, hurrah! Thanks for joining in on our celebration and showing your support with the vote. Over 1200 votes later and we have our winner for Best of 2012! Congratulations to the Wish circle, whose Kaleidoscope quilt stole the day!
This beauty, quilted by Erica Jackman (who is also host of Wish circle), was donated to Project Linus to benefit seriously ill children. Can you imagine how a scared, sick child and her frantic family might have felt to receive this unexpected gift? I'm proud of Wish circle and of all of us for making such beautiful, modern quilts to bless others in this world. It means a lot, I believe, to give our best work.
Thanks to the generosity of Marmalade Fabrics, each current Wish Circle member will receive a stunning set of Kona fat quarters - my Bottled Rainbow bundle! - plus 1 yard in a Kona neutral of your choice. Hey, you all might want to do an all-solids quilt next time around! Or, you know, find a place to display your rainbow stack for happy vibes. We won't hold it against you if you just need to look at it for awhile.
By the way, I updated the Best of 2012 voting post with embedded pictures of all the Best of 2012 quilts, so that you can enjoy the view anytime. For even more of our do. Good quilts, see the Finished Quilts group on Flickr!
I've been super-pleased to see lots of quilts finished over the past week as we neared the celebration deadline. Sometimes setting a date makes all the difference! My heartfelt thanks to those quilters who pushed to finish up projects. Now, I know there are many more quilts still out there in process. How about we do this again, ok? Your projects finished from here on out are investments for next year's celebration! Here, here!
Let's select a winner for the Quilter's Grand Prize. The big fat roll of Warm & Natural or Warm & White batting, donated by The Warm Company, goes to
#34, Katie (kldemare) of the Peace circle! Aren't you lucky, Katie! And, I see you finished 2 quilts for do. Good Stitches this year. Thanks for your leadership!!!
Now that the winner has been selected, I've reopened the do. Good Stitches photo pool. I've heard that there are a few folks who didn't get a chance to add their quilt in time. It's so fun to see all our 2012 quilts together, so I'll leave the pool open in 2012 for your additions.
Congrats to Diane, who was inspired by Jennifer of Knotted Thread to make this quilt for Hurricane Sandy relief. I know that Jennifer was flooded with help, so it seems that Diane offered to help by piecing, quilting and binding some of the donated blocks. We're glad to see you rewarded for your kindness, Diane!
I'll be in touch via email with all our winners for their prizes.
It's absolutely been my pleasure to put this shindig together. You all really are worth celebrating! What an honor and inspiration to be joined by so many willing and talented hands to do. Good. I can tell you that this experience is something I'll never, ever forget. I trust it's as or even more meaningful to many souls the world over who have been touched by our quilts made in love.
Here's to another year!