Scrap Challengers!

Goodness!  I'm back from picking my kids up from VBS, and chatting at 100 miles per hour about new friends, new independence and favorite fun moments over lunch.  Can I just say that as a homeschool mom, I love VBS (Vacation Bible School- it's a week-long day camp some churches do for the community).  Anyhoo, now the kiddos are in rest time, so it's time to announce our 4 lucky, Canadian scrap challengers.

Fabric Spot Summer Lovin'

Thanks for sharing your ideas for our Fabric Spot Summer Lovin' bundle.  Soooo many good ideas, from renovated sewing chests to runners.  Do remember that there's a fair bit of luck to which ideas get chosen.  As in, do I feel like purses today?  My only hard fast rule is to include both contestants I know (as in, I've seen them around the vastness that is blogland) and contestants whose spaces I had the pleasure of visiting for the first time through this process. Without further ado, our challengers are...

Laura of Waffle Kisses, also president of the Ottawa Modern Quilt Guild in the capital of Canada.  I had to concur with Laura  - that's pretty Canadian.  Actually, I know Laura from do. Good Stitches where she serves as quilter for the Happiness circle.  I was mostly beguiled by this...


Do I have a strange thing for pianos, or do you love that photo op too?  Laura's always shooting her do. Good Stitches blocks like this so we go "way back" with my repetitive photo appreciation in Flickr comments, lol.  But, really, Laura's idea was to make a tea party-themed set of items including tea bags, mini bunting and a mug rug.  We won't hold her to the particulars, but some tea time fun - that we will expect!

Michelle of Michele Made Me, where her multi-talented craftiness practically leaps off the screen. 

Michele proclaims herself a "scrapper in my heart of hearts".   When I tra-la-la-la visited her blog and came across this fantastic image in her "What is Beautiful" post, I was sunk then and there.  Can I just stop and make blocks like these today please? Oh wait, this challenge is about other people making stuff...  Well, Michele, the ball's in your court.  (Any readers who need their socks knocked off, take a glance at her hexagon quilt.)

Carla from My Half Dozen Daily, who said, "I absolutely LOVE the bright fun colours of this bundle!! If you take a peek on my blog you'll see that bright & fun are what I'm all about! :) I think these delicious fabrics are just begging to be made into a summer bag of some sort & wallet!"

And first image on Carla's blog...

If that's not bright and summery, I don't know what is!  I think Carla is our gal for that fun summer bag. 

And, Patti at Retired to Quilt.  She's another do. Good Stitches member who had a very specific idea - Kaleidoscope cushions!  I'd love to see that, wouldn't you?

Patti, you definitely have the skills.  Time to show them off!

And if you're thinking, "she totally should have picked me", you're probably right!  I'll try to pick you next time.  A great big thanks to Fabric Spot for this fun challenge.  We'll totally do it again sometime!  (And, if the Summer Lovin' bundle had your name written all over it, do visit Fabric Spot to get what's meant to be yours.)

Have fun, challengers!  We can't wait to see what you cook up!!!