sick Day

Uh oh, a most unwelcome guest has appeared.  Mr. Cold (or is it Mr. Flu?) has invaded the house.  Darn, must the lovely fall weather bring him as well?

Eclectic Elements by Holtz

So while I'd love to be cutting fabrics for my new quilt and working in these gray-ish brown Eclectic Elements...

in progress

And while I'm itching to add more triangles to this design, not to mention to rearrange them and arrange them and rearrange them yet again...


Today I'm mostly here, hiding my face from the sunshine to sneak in a nap or two.  I hope our visitor leaves posthaste and doesn't darken your door anytime soon!

p.s. a million thanks again, do. Good girls, for this treasure of a quilt.  It's the first I pull out every season.  I never tire of exploring it's fabrics, especially on couch-bound days.