a Liberty tray

Once upon a time a friend sent me some Liberty love.  O happy day!

Mod podge a tray

Since then I've been meaning to turn this rough wooden tray into something purty with Mod Podge.  I've never actually Mod Podged furniture, but I think on it. This seems like a good first step.

hmmm, hmmm

Well friends, it took about 5 minutes.  Just cut fabric to size


plop out a mess of Mod Podge,

mod podge fabric

spread evenly and let it dry.

ta da!

Ta da! The only downside is that the Mod Podge dried rough.  Not so rough that it's bad to use or something, but just rough to the touch.  Being that Liberty fabric is so, soooo soft, the difference must be noted.

a Liberty tray

At the moment its nestling some leaves for our gratitude tree, but me thinks someday it'll be just the spot to stash new fabric arrivals, like these goodies from Sew Modern!  As any good fabric addict knows, the first step upon acquisition is simple admiration.

mmm, from Sew Modern!

many more happy days to come