all full

all full

scrappy stars

My, it's late and I'm only just now sitting down to say, "Hi".  Today was filled to the brim!   It was one of those days where I had to stop and tell myself firmly, "We can't do it all!"   So we didn't. 

I was hoping to spend some time piecing more scrappy stars, but didn't even get to uncover the machine.  Sound familiar?  I'm sure!

stuffing Kona cards

There's been a lot of this going on! Your Kona Color Cards are packed by little miss...

folding labels

Labels folded by this blurry boy.  That is, unless they're out "breaking ice" (a favorite winter sport around our farm); then I did it all.   You may be able to tell too!  Grin, is your label straight?

Sunset over scrappy stars

Now, with dishes done, I'm finding my place at the machine at last, squeezing in a snapshot and making the machine whirr before the sun goes down.

pitter patter

I'm going to finish this top tonight, I declare!  Only a few stars left.  Wish me luck?

p.s.  I'm all warm and toasty over here because of your very kind comments for yesterday's Chai Rose ikat quilt.  Thank-you, thank-you for your support! 

