gathering flowers

Gathering Flowers pattern

Finally!  Since the idea was conceived in December, this very quilt has been stewing and stewing in my brain.  Oh, the release of starting a long-awaiting project!  More on colors and fabrics to come - much more!

This pattern is Anna Maria Horner's Gathering Flowers quilt.  Seems like it's been out for awhile, but I haven't seen it around.  I know I wasn't originally interested when it debuted, but as soon as Anna shared her scrappy version I saw its potential and made a mental bookmark. 

With any luck, I'll gather a few flowers this weekend.  But for now I have a date with some fabrics for my Color Intensive Color Catalog.  Oh, and Aria and I need to organize and purge her room this weekend, which could be a rather strenuous and time-consuming event...  Anyone else have a 9-year-old that seems as independent as a teenager already?  It's truly intimidating to parent someone who can be more persistent and driven than me.  Imagine Rachel on super-kid-powers.  Oi.  But, at least I have this happy flower.  It's a start, and I will be persistent too. 

Happy weekend all!

