fresh cover

Since I already had the staple gun out


My ironing board has been begging for some attention.  Scandalous!  I think this is the worst it's ever been.  The above documented level of yuckiness is mostly due to frequent use of Best Press starch spray during the Penny Sampler class.  Totally worth it, by the way.

pretty  newly recovered ironing board

I recover my ironing board every now and then, since the process is so easy and only takes a half yard of fabric for this wee table top board.  I made a tutorial the first time I did it, which includes the suggestion of trashing the toxic polyurethane foam that provides padding for your board and replacing it with an old bath towel.  I've been using my towel version for years and have never been anything but pleased.   The toweling hasn't needed replacing either!

in Hand Drawn Garden fabric

Definitely choose a dark fabric for your recover!  Darker fabrics hide stains best.  And, use a favorite because you'll get to look at it a lot!  This time I'm using Centerpiece from Anna Maria Horner's Hand Drawn Garden fabric collection.  Aren't these rich, saturated colors dreamy?

 new board cover!

Now my space is all prettied up for sewing night tonight.  Yay!  This time we're making girls' skirts.  I haven't done a test skirt, since I really want to make a dress for Aria, not a skirt, and am waiting on fabric.  Hopefully our project will go smoothly!