
At this very moment, that is the state of my work table. Evidence of a productive weekend, no?

I've been building towers of scraps in these very autumn-y hues for my nephew's quilt. He's already 17 years old (oh my gosh!), so I'm trying to create something in the colors he requested that might carry him into early grown up years.
It will be a stacked coins quilt, allowing different width coin towers. Such a very flexible way to use scraps! First I grouped my scraps by approximate width. Then I join them into strips, press seams and, lastly, cut the finished strip (or strip segments) to a common width.

Once a coin tower seems long enough, I fold it into quarters and measure it to make sure it will be greater than 80" long, my target width for this full-sized quilt.

This weekend I made, let's see... seven such strips. No idea how many more I need. Best to find out as I go along rather than to frighten myself with a big tally! I did start with my narrowest scraps, so as I continue the coin towers will be wider and thus more easily fill up the space.
Deep breath... time to jump back in!