creamy pink Delicious

At last! Bits and pieces of this Starbright quilt have been floating around my sewing room, teasing me, inviting me, testing my patience. When the final package arrived from my quilting bee friend this weekend, I couldn't wait to arrange all those triangles into creamy, pink stars.

I have to admit, I was the littlest bit cautious about asking Love circle to make these triangular blocks. But, I'm so glad I decided to trust their considerable skills! The blocks have been a breeze to join together. We're all in rows now. Thanks, ladies!

Because I'm a little crazy, I didn't just throw together the blocks willy nilly, as I had at first planned. No, I was charmed by all the different shades of pink: spicy hot pink, whisper rose, warm peach and almost-purple magenta. How could I resist spinning triangles to match those pinky shades? I do so love patchwork.

This is bound to become one of my favorites I've led for do. Good Stitches. I'll be so glad to see it go to some special little one through Wrap them in Love!
Speaking of do. Good Stitches, I've been brainstorming for our annual Celebrate do. Good year-end event. If you have any suggestions for me, do share! Meanwhile, be finishing those quilts so you can donate them and share them in our big link-up! Can't wait to see them!!!