
Twinkle in Storm

Pictures can be so misleading, can't they?

Twinkle in Storm

Seen through the lens of a few Instagram captures, Facebook quips, blog posts, etc. someone else's day can seem so idealistic, so peachy pretty perfect (even if they are working with July colors in January...)

Twinkle in Storm

But all is not as it seems.  Look closer, spot the scribbles across that page?  This little one had a stormy morning - ugly words, grumbles, cries, complaints, impertinent remarks that leave mama taking deep breaths, carefully considering consequences and wondering how the heck she'll manage to stay calm during such tricky mornings when she's also tending a new little one.

Twinkle in Storm

When Liam showed up at this mini, in-between-times photo shoot after the storm had passed, I had to snap him in some shots because he actually looked so sweet, so calm, so "little boy".  My little boy.  And I love him.  And I'm making him this very quilt.  And the background color is Kona Storm.

Twinkle in Storm

Yesterday some Carolyn Friedlander Doe Wide fabric arrived to use with both twin quilts as quilt backs.  At 108" wide, this fabric will help make finishing speed along.  Because we have more quilts to make, friends.  Clamshell quilts!  More soon.

Twinkle in Storm

These sawtooth stars are multiplying, in between times and even on stormy days.