an update on Eleni
This morning while pumping I read through your comments on Eleni's Birth. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for your loving thoughts and prayers. I do feel surrounded and supported by my friends near and far. I just wish I could bring you better news. Most of all, I wish all this love could heal her.

Yesterday we received results from Eleni's first MRI. Tragically we were told that "her entire brain" 'suffered "severe" damage from oxygen deprivation. They believe this was an acute event that happened sometime before her birth or possibly during. She's been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, which means that they expect her brain will have trouble controlling her muscles. Cerebral palsy is a spectrum condition, with low functioning and high functioning expressions. At this time we have no idea where she will fall. Right now she still hasn't opened her eyes, which may be a muscular issue rather than that she is unconscious. She also cannot suck or swallow. On the upside, she is breathing now without any assistance and her other organs are well.
Brandon and I are truly experiencing a tidal wave of emotions. The children seem to be managing well, though I'm sure they can't comprehend how much this may change our family. Today I am taking a quiet hour or so to work on my clamshell quilt before heading into the hospital. Spending some time with the colors will soothe my soul.
A photo posted by Jodi Godfrey (@talesofcloth) on Mar 3, 2015 at 8:28pm PST
Wednesday morning I discovered Flowers for Eleni and Auction for Eleni, two support efforts led by some dear bloggy friends. I wanted to share those links here in case you hadn't heard. I've been finding flowers in my Instagram feed when friends tag me. Such a sweet gesture. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
still in hope,