minimalist - Improv Handbook Score #5
Happy 4th to those of you on the state side! I hope you're enjoying the loooong weekend. We've already had our getting-things-done day, helping others day, river day, shopping day and up next is a family barbecue. Ok, so all of those "days" actually overlapped, but it just feels like such a long weekend to me!

Naturally, I've done some sewing. My sewing table is now nestled behind our sofa in the living/dining area. While I sew, Liam is inevitably reading on the sofa, Aria is reading in her room and the cat is sleeping on my ironing board

This score from the Improv Handbook is one of the fastest quilts I've every pieced. It wants to be BIG. From the beginning I've been trying to reign in the size, but the chunky blue shapes and thick sashing really appeal to me. I've completed my three center rows in cascading blue and one side border in gray/white. To construct the quilt, I sliced the large shapes freehand, arranged them on the design wall and filled in with sashing to maintain a grid. So easy.

I'm a bit out of my comfort zone with this quilt. It's more minimalist than is natural for me. According to the score, I'd finish with another side border in gray/white for the left side of the quilt. But, what do you think? Will that add to the composition or should I stop here?