Pixie Noel Patchwork Stockings
Good News!
This stocking pattern is now available as part of my Trimmings Pattern Pack. Make stockings, an evergreen tree pillow and Christmas tree skirt to deck your halls this Christmas!
Has it really been a month since I started work on those patchwork Christmas stockings? Well, I guess that makes sense given that the project was delayed while I waited an extra four long weeks to confirm the sex of our baby. I really wanted to use that adorable pink bunny fabric for a little girl stocking, so I was holding out on this finish. (Apparently, Aria is too old for pink bunnies. Humph.)

This patchwork stocking is composed of 1.5" finished squares in bunny pink, Christmas red/green, aqua blue and gray for good measure. I've quilted with a zigzag stitch over the seams. My square points don't meet up very nicely, so this quilting was a great way to hide the irregularities!

I made the patchwork stocking with pink cuff for baby and the white stocking with red cuff for myself.

Here they are all together! My palette was inspired by the Pixie Noel collection, and each stocking includes some Pixie fabrics. I mixed in a few stash fabrics to tone down the holiday vibe.

Some of my stockings are lined with prints to match the cuff and others in Pixie Noel picks.

This elf print on my stocking is my favorite. I'm not usually a "cute" person, but these elves, critters and reindeer are too adorable. I love how the chrysanthemum quilting looks vaguely like snow flurries (or how I imagine snow flurries, never having lived anywhere with real snow storms). Yep, a little zing of cute at Christmastime sounds lovely.
And speaking of lovely, that's you... as usual. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your congratulations on our gender news! I've added Cora to our list of potential girl names, and I've already bought curtains for her nursery! Hehe. Will be sure to share more nursery ideas soon!