Homeschool Chronicles: all about Liam

It feels almost like cheating that I only have one homeschool student to plan for this year.  With Aria enrolled in 7th grade public school, Liam will be center stage at home for his 5th grade year.  I'm excited!  He's at a great age academically for getting all of my attention.  He loves to read, loves to learn and is ready to really tackle writing at a higher level.  I feel like we will accomplish a lot this year!


This year Liam is eager to study American History.  He'll be working through Oak Meadow's 5th Grade English and United States History.  I chose this program because it has a very thorough English component with a wide variety of meaty writing assignments.  It also assigns pertinent historical fiction literature, reasonable vocabulary and reviews grammar and poetry.  Most lessons include recommendations for more reading, which Liam can use to follow his interests.

I'm familiar with Oak Meadow because Aria used the curriculum a few years ago.  For us their sciences and maths are too bare bones, so I'm just using the English/History book.

Liam will continue with Singapore Math 5 and Apples & Pears spelling Book C.  This summer he's making easy work of Apples & Pears B, getting him caught up to grade level.  I'm so, so, SO glad we found a program with the repetition and associations that work for him.  He said of the program the other day, "This is the way I learn."  Yes!  Now instead of thinking "I'm terrible at spelling," he understands that he just needed a new approach.  This alone is such a victory.


We'll do the bulk of our work together Monday through Wednesdays at home. 

For some fun social interaction, Liam will attend a homeschool program called Grounded on Thursdays.  There he'll take art, science, literature, Spanish and P.E. with other 5th graders.  We're told the P.E. is really high quality, so that'll keep him active.  He's an art boy too, so we're excited about that.

On Friday's Liam spends the day with his grandparents, helping out around the farm and absorbing ad hock lessons on politics, economy and gardening, to name a few.  Growing up with grandparents like ours is such a blessing!  He'll also do his Grounded homework there. 

Some afternoons Liam also gets to be involved in community homeschool programs for band and archery.

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There is definitely no lack of options when it comes to homeschooling these days.  Unfortunately it does get pricey, especially as they get older, and we don't live in a state that provides monies for accountable homeschoolers.  But the time we've spent together has been so priceless, not only in providing a solid academic base for both my children and imparting a love of learning, but also for the ways in which we really know each other.

I don't know what the future holds for Liam and Aria as far as homeschooling or public schooling, but that's ok.  I only have to plan one year at a time!  And those plans are always open for revision

What really matters is who we are becoming.  When I see this young man delight at making his baby sister smile and willingly take on the messier baby tasks, I am filled with a peaceful kind of pride.  I am thankful for who we are today and so thankful too for the adventure of the future.