project ponderings
This weekend I had a lovely crafterday making string blocks while Rora slept. On a project like this, I become fully immersed in the Choosing - which color, which pattern, which length feels right at each step? After two delicious nap sessions I had completed all 42 blocks in my initial plan.
But, lo, there are more scraps and more batting bits leftover! Dear friends, these are ALL of my remaining string scraps. Look how diminutive they are gathered on my table! (OK, there are a few in those white bins too.) Already an accomplishment! But it is too many to toss, and as I am committed to a use-it-or-lose-it mentality with this project
Back to the blocks. Another row. And then yet more. I need more batting! I get batting in great big rolls so I'm always ready for the next quilt. But, my roll is gone and my batting bits are running dry. I have been piecing them together to make 8.5" square blocks. Time for a new roll of Warm & Natural batting!
So, as I sew I am thinking, what's next?
a Rifle Paper rayon top for moi?
a Color Wheel baby quilt to use up my medium-sized scraps?
that Aerial Grove Liberty baby quilt I've long been pondering?
something new for Rora? I'm sure there's more fun there to be had!
I don't always dream of next projects while wrapping up my current WIP. Often times it's not that open-ended, as I know what I need to make next or what I've already committed to make. But when it's open wide