Curves Coursebook

Curves Coursebook


"In the past you may have been intimidated by tight little curved seams, even downright petrified by curvy quilt blocks and more than a little skeptical that a curvy outlook could be in your stitchy future. That all ends now. No longer shall ye be limited to the straight edge. No longer shall ye look with fear upon that which inspires you"

Yep, that sums it up! As a quilter it's easy to get oh-so-comfortable with straight line sewing (which is golden!) that you believe the naughty little voice that whispers "curves are too hard." They're not! I promise! Let me hold your hand through Curves, which caters to both the beginner and intermediate sewist. We'll cover Basic Curves, Improv Curves, Precise Curves and Advanced Curves with full, detailed photo tutorials and many downloadable templates. Each theme you can choose from 3 very different projects for one that really fits your experience and interests. Finally, we'll celebrate with full on curvy quilts. Yes!

Your coursebook includes all 14 projects, with step-by-step photo and video tutorials for the beginner curves sewist. This class is designed for sewists who are familiar with their sewing machine, having completed at least a few projects, and are interested or active quilters.


1: Basic Curves

2: Basic Improv Curves

3: Precise Curves

4: Advanced Improv Curves

5: Curvy Quilts

This listing is for a 216-Page pdf file. It will be delivered to the email address you provide during checkout. No shipping!

This coursebook is not intended for commercial use. Please do not distribute without permission.


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