Baby Making

Well, not quite making babies per-say, but making for babies.  That counts right?

On Wednesday nights I get to workout at Southeastern School of Ballet in the advanced adult ballet class.  It's been a pleasure to sweat in their company (even if we sometimes dance to Michael Jackson) because the school's hardcore worth ethic and strict adherence to pure technique is absolutely a gem.  Anyhoo, the couple who lead this school in Columbia, South Carolina also bring dance to the local community through a program at a local elementary school.  Turns out the school also has a non-profit division that supports such outreach activities and some performing arts.

What does this have to do with baby making?  I'm almost there!

This month, on Friday, March 22nd, the Southeastern School of Ballet is hosting an annual performance and silent auction fundraiser for their non-profit efforts.  I immediately thought to donate a quilt, but couldn't figure out which one to donate.  Since I've never attended before, it was difficult to donate such a valuable (to me) item without knowing if it would really fit in and be valued.  So I decided to make some cute baby stuff.  Seemed like a good excuse.

I made a set of burp cloths a la this tutorial at Making Rebecca Lynne.  The tutorial is so, soooo easy, Rebecca points out it's even good for those who have a less than ideal relationship with their sewing machine.

Bummis prefold diapers

I took the opportunity to use some organic cloth prefold diapers from (which, by the way, is going out of business.  So, yes, we can make you a deal!)

burp cloths from prefolds

combined with some cute, multi-colored scraps (two from Creative Thursday - love her stuff!).  The result is a playful, but boy-friendly collection of very useful burp cloths.  Because a mom can never have enough clean burp cloths.  For sure.

baby making

Add to that some little pacifier clips I made awhile back for no apparent reason and this new bapron bib (tutorial at Craftiness is not Optional), and it's a set I'd buy if I were "me" 6 years ago.

reversible Bapron bib!

Psst... the bapron is reversible since I used a Chicopee flannel plaid on back.  Yay.

I'm going to see if I can drag a few friends to the fundraiser performance next Friday and do my part to support their efforts.  If you're local, maybe I'll see you there!